Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ready or's time to plan!

There is a wish in my heart to someday have a baby.  I didn't realize until recently that my "someday" should be sooner rather than later.  As my doctor so kindly informed me that I am getting closer to the "at risk" pregnancy age.  She just shook her head at the thought of so many women in their thirties thinking that they have all the time in the world to start a family.  I could count myself as one of them...I suppose.  I'm thirty three...a young thirty three in my mind and hearing all of the time from others' that I look so much younger than my age...I guess I view age as just a number.  However, when it comes to having doesn't matter what the mirror tells you...your biological clock is ticking away.  So with that in mind, my husband and I have agreed to stop the birth control in February.  We have a plan!  And the "someday" is closer than ever and I pray with all my heart that we are suitable and good parents.  We're scared and excited at the thought of being's a frightening concept.  To have someone completely and solely relying on you.  The mistakes you make in life are no longer just your have to live your life with them in mind.  It changes things...but for the better is what I imagine.  If God entrusts a baby or two in this lifetime to my husband and I, it will be such a gift.  I pray with all my heart that I'm worthy of such a gift...a treasure...a child of my very own.   And so the adventures of baby making will soon begin!  To my unborn child...I can remember hearing stories from my parents...they would recall a time that was before "I was even a thought"....well until now you were not a thought in our hearts yet...but now sweet angel you're in our hearts and you're a thought of what is to come...we pray for you even now.  Until your birthdate...xoxo

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