Friday, June 1, 2012

Morning Time with Livie :)

Baby girl,

We are so thankful for the 8 to 12 hours of sleep you give us every night!  You are such a good baby.  You hardly ever fuss or have this cute little whimper you do when you are getting impatient or upset about something.  At night we keep you close to us, you are sleeping in your rock and play by our bed all night now.  Sometimes you will get a little restless in the middle of the night and I see you turning your head back and forth and I know you are looking for your paci.  So I put it back in your mouth and rub the top of your head and you go back to sleep...sometimes I do this 3 or 4 times through out the night :)   I do not mind though...I love taking care of you.   Usually about 6:30/7am you are awake and I pull into bed with me....sometimes you will sleep a little more with mommy and sometimes you are ready for your bottle.  When you go back to sleep next to me it is the cutest thing ever....b/c you put your tiny face up close to mine and put your little tiny hand on my want to know I am close and you like to snuggle.  It's one of my favorite times of the day with you.  When you are ready for your bottle - daddy goes and makes it and then comes up stairs to get you.  You and daddy have a good routine down in the morning and I know he loves his morning times with you.  When you first see him in the morning you always give him the biggest smiles!  He changes you, feeds you, and then you and daddy watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse together...which you love.  When I come down for the morning you are always looking so happy watching your show and hanging out with daddy.

You are 4 months old today!  Four months of holding you and loving you.

Lucky Lucky us!

xo mommy & daddy

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